Source code for casiopeia.system

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of casiopeia.
# Copyright 2014-2016 Adrian Bürger, Moritz Diehl
# casiopeia is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# casiopeia is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with casiopeia. If not, see <>.

from interfaces import casadi_interface as ci
from intro import intro

[docs]class System: '''The class :class:`System` is used to define non-dynamic, explicit ODE- or fully implicit DAE-systems systems within casiopeia.''' @property def nu(self): return self.u.numel() @property def nq(self): return self.q.numel() @property def np(self): return self.p.numel() @property def nx(self): return self.x.numel() @property def neps_u(self): return self.eps_u.numel() @property def nphi(self): return self.phi.numel() def __check_all_system_parts_are_casadi_symbolics(self): for arg in self.__init__.__code__.co_varnames[1:]: if not isinstance(getattr(self, arg), type(ci.mx_sym("a"))): raise TypeError(''' Missing input argument for system definition or wrong variable type for an input argument. Input arguments must be CasADi symbolic types.''') def __print_nondyn_system_information(self): print(''' The system is a non-dynamic systems with the general input-output structure and equality constraints: y = phi(u, q, p), g(u, q, p) = 0. Particularly, the system has: {0} time-varying controls u {1} time-constant controls q {2} parameters p {3} outputs phi'''.format(, self.nq,, self.nphi)) print("\nwhere phi is defined by ") for i in range(self.phi.numel()): print("y[{0}] = {1}".format(i, self.phi[i])) print("\nand where g is defined by ") for i in range(self.g.numel()): print("g[{0}] = {1}".format(i, self.g[i])) def __print_ode_system_information(self): print(''' The system is a dynamic system defined by a set of explicit ODEs xdot which establish the system state x and by an output function phi which sets the system measurements: xdot = f(u, q, x, p, eps_e, eps_u), y = phi(u, q, x, p). Particularly, the system has: {0} time-varying controls u {1} time-constant controls q {2} parameters p {3} states x {4} outputs phi {5} input errors eps_u'''.format(, self.nq,, self.nx, \ self.nphi, self.neps_u)) print("\nwhere xdot is defined by ") for i in range(self.f.numel()): print("xdot[{0}] = {1}".format(i, self.f[i])) print("\nand where phi is defined by ") for i in range(self.phi.numel()): print("y[{0}] = {1}".format(i, self.phi[i])) def print_system_information(self): if self.nx == 0: self.__print_nondyn_system_information() elif self.nx != 0: self.__print_ode_system_information() def __system_validation(self): self.__check_all_system_parts_are_casadi_symbolics() self.print_system_information() def __init__(self, \ u = ci.mx_sym("u", 0), \ q = ci.mx_sym("q", 0), \ p = None, \ x = ci.mx_sym("x", 0), \ eps_u = ci.mx_sym("eps_u", 0), \ phi = None, \ f = ci.mx_sym("f", 0), \ g = ci.mx_sym("g", 0)): r''' :raises: TypeError, NotImplementedError :param u: time-varying controls :math:`u \in \mathbb{R}^{\text{n}_\text{u}}` that are applied piece-wise-constant for each control intervals, and therefor can change from on interval to another, e. g. motor dutycycles, temperatures, massflows (optional) :type u: casadi.casadi.MX :param q: time-constant controls :math:`q \in \mathbb{R}^{\text{n}_\text{q}}` that are constant over time, e. g. initial mass concentrations of reactants, elevation angles (optional) :type q: casadi.casadi.MX :param p: unknown parameters :math:`p \in \mathbb{R}^{\text{n}_\text{p}}` :type p: casadi.casadi.MX :param x: differential states :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^{\text{n}_\text{x}}` (optional) :type x: casadi.casadi.MX :param eps_u: input errors :math:`\epsilon_{u} \in \mathbb{R}^{\text{n}_{\epsilon_\text{u}}}` (optional) :type eps_u: casadi.casadi.MX :param phi: output function :math:`\phi(u, q, x, p) = y \in \mathbb{R}^{\text{n}_\text{y}}` :type phi: casadi.casadi.MX :param f: explicit system of ODEs :math:`f(u, q, x, p, \epsilon_\text{u}) = \dot{x} \in \mathbb{R}^{\text{n}_\text{x}}` (optional) :type f: casadi.casadi.MX :param g: equality constraints :math:`g(u, q, p) = 0 \in \mathbb{R}^{\text{n}_\text{g}}` (optional) :type g: casadi.casadi.MX Depending on the inputs the user provides, the :class:`System` is interpreted as follows: **Non-dynamic system** (x = None): .. math:: y = \phi(u, q, p) 0 = g(u, q, p). **Explicit ODE system** (x != None): .. math:: y & = & \phi(u, q, x, p) \\ \dot{x} & = & f(u, q, x, p, \epsilon_\text{u}). ''' intro() print('\n' + '# ' + 23 * '-' + \ ' casiopeia system definition ' + 22 * '-' + ' #') print('\nStarting system definition ...') self.u = u self.q = q self.p = p self.x = x self.eps_u = eps_u self.phi = phi self.f = f self.g = g self.__system_validation()